L-1 | eType_accountingtype | Type of Accounting | Rechnungsart | LV-1 | INVOICE_FOR_PARTIAL_DELIVERY | invoice for partial delivery | Abschlagsrechnung / Teilrechnung |
| | | | LV-2 | FINAL_INVOICE | Final invoice | Schlussrechnung |
| | | | LV-3 | INDIVIDUAL_PAYMENT_PLAN | Individual payment plan | Individueller Zahlungsplan |
L-2 | eType_accountingstandard | Accounting Standard | Rechnungslegungsstandard | LV-4 | HGB | HGB | HGB |
| | | | LV-5 | UGB | UGB | UGB |
| | | | LV-6 | IFRS | IFRS | IFRS |
| | | | LV-7 | US_GAAP | US-GAAP | US-GAAP |
| | | | LV-8 | LUX_GAAP | LuxGAAP | LuxGAAP |
| | | | LV-9 | OTHER | Other | Anderer |
L-3 | eType_accounttype | Account Type | Kontoart | LV-10 | ASSET_ACCOUNT | Asset Account | Asset-Konto |
| | | | LV-11 | P_L_ACCOUNT | P_L_Account | P_L_Konto |
L-4 | eType_adjustmenttype | Adjustment Type | Anpassungstyp | LV-12 | INDEX_ADJUSTMENT | Index adjustment | Index-Anpassung |
| | | | LV-13 | INDEX | Index | Index |
| | | | LV-14 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
L-5 | eType_apartmenttype | Apartment Type | Wohnungskategorie | LV-15 | ROOF_STOREY | Roof Storey | Dachgeschoss |
| | | | LV-16 | LOFT | Loft | Dachboden |
| | | | LV-17 | MAISONETTE | Maisonette | Maisonette-Wohnung |
| | | | LV-18 | PENTHOUSE | Penthouse | Penthaus |
| | | | LV-19 | TERRACED_FLAT | Terraced Flat | Terrassenwohnung |
| | | | LV-20 | GROUND_FLAT | Ground flat | Erdgeschosswohnung |
| | | | LV-21 | APARTMENT | Apartment | Wohnung |
| | | | LV-22 | RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR | Raised Ground Floor | Erhöhtes Erdgeschoss |
| | | | LV-23 | HALF_BASEMENT | Half Basement | Halb Untergeschoss |
| | | | LV-24 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
L-6 | eType_areameasurement | Area Measurement | Flächenmessung | LV-25 | SQM | SQM | Quadratmeter |
| | | | LV-26 | SQFT | SQFT | Quadratfuß |
| | | | LV-27 | TSUBO | Tsubo | Tsubo |
| | | | LV-28 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified | Nicht spezifiziert |
L-7 | eType_areatype | area measurement type/source | Flächenart | LV-29 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-30 | DIN277 | DIN277 | DIN277 |
| | | | LV-31 | MF_W | gif MF/W (Residential) | MF/W |
| | | | LV-32 | MF_V | gif MF/V (Retail) | MF/V |
| | | | LV-33 | MF_G | gif MF/G (Commercial) | MF/G |
| | | | LV-34 | SEVERAL | Several | Verschiedene |
| | | | LV-35 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified (area measurement type) | Keine Flächenspezifizierung |
L-8 | eType_assetaccounttype | Asset Account Type | Anlageklasse | LV-36 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified (land with buildings/capital assets) | keine Angabe (Grundstücke mit Bauten/AV) |
| | | | LV-37 | CURRENT_ASSETS_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION | Assets under construction (current assets) | Anlagen im Bau (UV) |
| | | | LV-38 | CURRENT_LAND_AND_LAND_RIGHTS_WITHOUT_BUILDINGS | Land and land rights without buildings (current assets) | Grundstücke und Grundstücksgleiche Rechte ohne Bauten (UV) |
| | | | LV-39 | CURRENT_LAND_WITH_BUILDINGS | Land with buildings (current assets) | Grundstücke mit Bauten (UV) |
| | | | LV-40 | CAPITAL_ASSETS_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION | Assets under construction (capital assets) | Anlagen im Bau (AV) |
| | | | LV-41 | CAPITAL_BUILDINGS_ON_THIRD_PARTY_LAND | Buildings on third-party land (capital assets) | Bauten auf fremden Grundstücken (AV) |
| | | | LV-42 | CAPITAL_LAND_WITH_THIRD_PARTY_LEASEHOLD_RIGHTS | Land with third-party leasehold rights (capital assets) | Grundstücke mit Erbbaurechten Dritter (AV) |
| | | | LV-43 | CAPITAL_LAND_AND_LAND_RIGHTS_WITHOUT_BUILDINGS | Land and land rights without buildings (capital assets) | Grundstücke und grundstücksgleiche Rechte ohne Bauten (AV) |
| | | | LV-44 | CAPITAL_LAND_AND_LAND_RIGHTS_WITH_COMMERCIAL_AND_OTHER_BUILDINGS | Land and land rights with commercial and other buildings (capital assets) | Grundstücke, grundstücksgleiche Rechte mit Geschäfts- u and. Bauten (AV) |
| | | | LV-45 | CAPITAL_LAND_WITH_BUILDINGS | Land with buildings (capital assets) | Grundstücke mit Bauten (AV) |
L-9 | eType_assetcategory | Asset Category | Vermoegenszugehoerigkeit | LV-46 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified (asset category) | Nicht definiert |
| | | | LV-47 | CAPITAL | Capital assets | Anlagevermögen |
| | | | LV-48 | WORKING | Working assets | Umlaufvermögen |
| | | | LV-49 | LEASING | Leasing | Pacht |
| | | | LV-50 | ADMINISTRATION | Administration of estate in severalty | Sondereigentumsverwaltung |
| | | | LV-51 | GERMAN_CONDOMINIUM_ACT | German Condominium Act | WEG |
L-10 | eType_billstatus | Bill Status | Rechnungsstatus | LV-52 | NONE | None | Keiner |
| | | | LV-53 | RECORDED | Recorded | Erfasst |
| | | | LV-54 | CONTROLLED | Controlled | Geprüft |
| | | | LV-55 | PAID | Paid | Bezahlt |
| | | | LV-56 | CANCELED | Canceled | Storniert |
L-11 | eType_buildingtype | Main Usage Type | Hauptnutzungsart | LV-57 | NOT_APPLIED | Not applied | Not applied |
| | | | LV-58 | RETAIL_BUILDING | Retail building | Einzelhandelsgebäude |
| | | | LV-59 | SHOWROOM | Showroom | Ausstellungsraum |
| | | | LV-60 | ART_GALLERY | Art gallery | Kunstgalerie |
| | | | LV-61 | KIOSK | Kiosk | Kiosk |
| | | | LV-62 | BANK | Bank | Bank |
| | | | LV-63 | POST | Post | Post |
| | | | LV-64 | PUBS_BARS | Pubs Bars | Kneipen Bars |
| | | | LV-65 | RESTAURANT_GASTRONOMIE | Restaurant Gastronomie | Restaurant Gastronomie |
| | | | LV-66 | OTHER_RETAIL_BUILDING | Other retail building | Sonstiges Einzelhandelsgebäude |
| | | | LV-67 | PASSAGE_SHOPPING_GALLERY | Passage shopping gallery | Passage Einkaufsgalerie |
| | | | LV-68 | INTEGRATED_SHOPPING_CENTER | Integrated shopping center | Integriertes Einkaufszentrum |
| | | | LV-69 | FACTORY_OUTLET_CENTER | Factory outlet center | Fabrikverkaufszentrum |
| | | | LV-70 | OTHER_SHOPPING_CENTER | Sonstiges Einkaufszentrum | Other shopping center |
| | | | LV-71 | RETAIL_MARKET | Retail market | Einzelhandelsmarkt |
| | | | LV-72 | RETAIL_MARKET_CENTER | Retail market center | Einzelhandelsmarktzentrum |
| | | | LV-73 | CONSUMER_MARKET | Consumer Market | Verbrauchermarkt |
| | | | LV-74 | SELF_SERVICE_GENERAL_STORE | Self service general store | Allgemeiner Selbstbedienungsladen |
| | | | LV-75 | DEPARTMENT_STORE | Department store | Kaufhaus |
| | | | LV-76 | GENERAL_STORE | General Store | Allgemeines Geschäft |
| | | | LV-77 | OTHER_RETAIL_BUILDINGS | Other retail buildings | Sonstige Einzelhandelsgebäude |
| | | | LV-78 | DETACHED_OFFICE_BUILDING | Detached office building | Freistehendes Bürogebäude |
| | | | LV-79 | NON_DETACHED_OFFICE_BUILDING | Non detached office building | Nicht freistehendes Bürogebäude |
| | | | LV-80 | OFFICE_PARK_LOCATION | Office park location | Standort eines Büroparks |
| | | | LV-81 | OTHER_OFFICE_BUILDING | Other office building | Anderes Bürogebäude |
| | | | LV-82 | FACTORY | Factory | Fabrik |
| | | | LV-83 | PRODUCTION | Production | Produktion |
| | | | LV-84 | WAREHOUSE_LOGISTIC | Warehouse logistics | Lagerlogistik |
| | | | LV-85 | OTHER_INDUSTRY_PROPERTY | Other industry property | Sonstige Industrieimmobilie |
| | | | LV-86 | DETACHED_HOUSE | Detached house | Freistehendes Haus |
| | | | LV-87 | SEMI_DETACHED_HOUSE | Semi detached house | Doppelhaushälfte |
| | | | LV-88 | TERRACE_HOUSE | Terrace house | Terrassenhaus |
| | | | LV-89 | DOUPLEX_MAISONETTE | Douplex maisonette | Maisonette-Doppelhaushälfte |
| | | | LV-90 | APARTMENT_BUILDING_ONE_ENTRANCE | Apartment building one entrance | Mehrfamilienhaus mit einem Eingang |
| | | | LV-91 | APARTMENT_BUILDING_SEPARATE_ENTRANCES | Apartment building separate entrances | Mehrfamilienhaus getrennte Eingänge |
| | | | LV-92 | SENIOR_HOUSING_WITHOUT_CARE | Senior housing without care | Seniorenwohnungen ohne Pflege |
| | | | LV-93 | NURSING_HOME | Nursing home | Pflegeheim |
| | | | LV-94 | HOLIDAY_PROPERTY | Holiday property | Ferienimmobilie |
| | | | LV-95 | GARDEN_CITY | Garden city | Gartenstadt |
| | | | LV-96 | OTHER_RESIDENTIAL_BUILDINGS | Other residential buildings | Sonstige Wohngebäude |
| | | | LV-97 | HOTEL | Hotel | Hotel |
| | | | LV-98 | LEISURE_PARK | Leisure park | Freizeitpark |
| | | | LV-99 | CINEMA | Cinema | Kino |
| | | | LV-100 | THEATRE | Theatre | Theater |
| | | | LV-101 | HOLIDAY_RESORT | Holiday resort | Ferienanlage |
| | | | LV-102 | RETAIL_OTHER | Retail other | Einzelhandel Sonstiges |
| | | | LV-103 | CLINIC | Clinic | Klinik |
| | | | LV-104 | MEDICAL_CENTRE | Medical centre | Medizinisches Zentrum |
| | | | LV-105 | RESEARCH_EDUCATION | Research education | Forschung und Lehre |
| | | | LV-106 | CAR_PARK | Car park | Parkhaus |
| | | | LV-107 | UNBUILT_AREA | Unbuilt area | Unbebautes Gebiet |
| | | | LV-108 | EXHIBITION_AND_CONVENTION_CENTRE | Exhibition and convention centre | Ausstellungs- und Kongresszentrum |
| | | | LV-109 | LABORATORY | Laboratory | Laboratorium |
| | | | LV-110 | OTHER_USAGE | Other usage | Sonstige Nutzung |
| | | | LV-111 | FARMLAND | Farmland | Ackerland |
| | | | LV-112 | FORREST | Forrest | Wälder |
| | | | LV-113 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
L-12 | eType_conditiontype | Condition Type | Konditionsart | LV-114 | BASE_RENT | Base rent | Grundmiete |
| | | | LV-115 | DEDUCTIONS | Deductions | Abzüge |
| | | | LV-116 | SALES_DEDUCTION | Sales deduction | Erlösschmälerung |
| | | | LV-117 | RENT_CONCESSION | Rent concession | Mietzugeständnis |
| | | | LV-118 | SURCHARGES_SUBTENANCY | Surcharges subtenancy | Zuschläge Untermiete |
| | | | LV-119 | SURCHARGES_MODERNIZATION | Surcharges modernization | Modernisierungszuschläge |
| | | | LV-120 | SURCHARGES_SOCIAL_ROOMS | Surcharges social rooms | Zuschläge Sozialräume |
| | | | LV-121 | SURCHARGES_TRAFFIC_AREA | Zuschläge Verkehrsfläche | Surcharges traffic area |
| | | | LV-122 | SURCHARGES_CENTER_MANAGEMENT | Surcharges central management | Zuschläge zentrale Verwaltung |
| | | | LV-123 | SURCHARGES_PARKING_LOT | Surcharges parking lot | Zuschläge Parkplatz |
| | | | LV-124 | RENTAL_GUARANTEE | Rental guarantee | Mietgarantie |
| | | | LV-125 | GROUND_RENT | Ground Rent | Grundmiete |
| | | | LV-126 | LEASE_PAYMENTS | Lease payments | Mietzahlungen |
| | | | LV-127 | SALES_RENT | Sales rent | Umsatzmiete |
| | | | LV-128 | INVESTMENT_RENT | Investment rent | Investitionsmiete |
| | | | LV-129 | ADMINISTRATIVE_COSTS | Adminstrative costs | Verwaltungskosten |
| | | | LV-130 | FLAT_RATE_OPERATING_COSTS | Flat rate operating costs | Pauschale Betriebskosten |
| | | | LV-131 | FLAT_RATE_HEATING_COSTS | Flat rate heating costs | Pauschale Heizkosten |
| | | | LV-132 | FLAT_RATE_OPERATING_COSTS_HEATING_COSTS | Flat rate operating costs heating costs | Betriebskostenpauschale Heizkosten |
| | | | LV-133 | FLAT_RATE_ADMINISTRATIVE_COSTS | Flat rate adminstrative costs | Pauschale Verwaltungskosten |
| | | | LV-134 | FLAT_RATE_ADVERTISING_COSTS | Flat rate advertising costs | Pauschale Werbekosten |
| | | | LV-135 | FLAT_RATE_CENTER_MANAGEMENT | Flat rate center management | Pauschale Centermanagement |
| | | | LV-136 | ADVANCE_PAYMENTS_OPERATIONAL_COSTS | Advance payments operational costs | Vorauszahlungen Betriebskosten |
| | | | LV-137 | ADVANCE_PAYMENTS_HEATING_COSTS | Advance payments heating costs | Vorauszahlungen Heizkosten |
| | | | LV-138 | ADVANCE_PAYMENTS_OPERATING_COSTS_HEATING_COSTS | Advance payments operating costs heating costs | Vorauszahlungen Betriebskosten Heizkosten |
| | | | LV-139 | CURRENT_PUBLIC_CHARGES | Current public charges | Laufende öffentliche Abgaben |
| | | | LV-140 | WATER_SUPPLY | Water supply | Wasserversorgung |
| | | | LV-141 | WASTE_WATER_DRAINAGE | Waste water drainage | Abwasserableitung |
| | | | LV-142 | HEATING_COSTS | Heating costs | Heizkosten |
| | | | LV-143 | HOT_WATER | Hot water | Warmwasser |
| | | | LV-144 | CONNECTED_HEATING_AND_HOT_WATER_SYSTEMS | Connected heating and hot water systems | Angeschlossene Heizungs- und Warmwasseranlagen |
| | | | LV-145 | LIFT_MAINTENANCE | Lift maintenance | Wartung des Aufzugs |
| | | | LV-146 | LIFT_MALFUNCTION | Lift malfunction | Störung des Aufzugs |
| | | | LV-147 | LIFT_OTHER_COSTS | Lift other costs | Aufzug sonstige Kosten |
| | | | LV-148 | GARBAGE_COLLECTION | Garbage collection | Müllabfuhr |
| | | | LV-149 | STREET_CLEANING | Street cleaning | Straßenreinigung |
| | | | LV-150 | INDUSTRIAL_CLEANING | Industrial cleaning | Industrielle Reinigung |
| | | | LV-151 | PEST_AND_VERMIN_CONTROL | Pest and vermin control | Schädlings- und Ungezieferbekämpfung |
| | | | LV-152 | GARDENING_OUTDOOR_FACILITIES | Gardening outdoor facilities | Gartenpflege Außenanlagen |
| | | | LV-153 | LIGHTING_ELECTRICITY_IN_GENERAL | Lighting electricity in general | Beleuchtung Strom allgemein |
| | | | LV-154 | CHIMNEY_SWEEPER | Chimney sweeper | Schornsteinfeger |
| | | | LV-155 | INSURANCE_PROPERTY_AND_LIABILITY_INSURANCE | Insurance property and liability insurance | Versicherung Sach- und Haftpflichtversicherung |
| | | | LV-156 | CARETAKER | Caretaker | Hausmeister |
| | | | LV-157 | COMMUNITY_ANTENNA_SYSTEM | Community antenna system | Gemeinschaftsantennenanlage |
| | | | LV-158 | FACILITIES_FOR_LAUNDRY_CARE_LAUNDRY_ROOM | Facilities for laundry care laundry room | Einrichtungen für Wäschepflege Waschküche |
| | | | LV-159 | WINTER_SERVICE | Winter service | Winterdienst |
| | | | LV-160 | OTHER_OPERATING_COSTS | Other operating costs | Sonstige Betriebskosten |
| | | | LV-161 | FIRE_ALARM_SYSTEMS_OPERATION_OF_FIRE_FIGHTING_SYSTEMS | Fire alarm systems operation of fire fighting system | Brandmeldeanlagen Betrieb der Feuerlöschanlage |
| | | | LV-162 | OPERATION_OF_VENTILATION_SYSTEMS | Operation of ventilation systems | Betrieb von Lüftungsanlagen |
| | | | LV-163 | OPERATION_OF_ELECTRICAL_POWER_INSTALLATIONS | Operation of electrical power installations | Betrieb der elektrischen Energieanlagen |
| | | | LV-164 | OPERATION_OF_TELECOMMUNICATIONS_AND_INFORMATION_SYSTEMS | Operation of telecommunications and information systems | Betrieb von Telekommunikations- und Informationssystemen |
| | | | LV-165 | OPERATION_OF_ANOTHER_CONVEYOR_TECHNOLOGY | Operation of another conveyor technology | Betrieb von sonstiger Fördertechnik |
| | | | LV-166 | OPERATION_OF_USE_SPECIFIC_INSTALLATIONS | Operation of use specific installation | Betrieb von nutzungsspezifischen Anlagen |
| | | | LV-167 | OPERATION_OF_THE_BUILDING_AUTOMATION | Operation of the building automation | Betrieb der Gebäudeautomation |
| | | | LV-168 | OPERATION_OF_OTHER_PLANTS_AND_FACILITIES | Operation of other plants and facilities | Betrieb von sonstigen Anlagen und Einrichtungen |
| | | | LV-169 | PROPERTY_AND_CENTER_MANAGEMENT | Property and center management | Objekt- und Centermanagement |
| | | | LV-170 | PLANT_REPRESENTATIVE | Plant representative | Betriebsbeauftragter |
| | | | LV-171 | PROVISION_OF_A_FAULT_AND_EMERGENCY_CALL_CENTER | Provision of a fault and emergency call center | Bereitstellung einer Störungs- und Notrufzentrale |
| | | | LV-172 | ADMINISTRATION_COSTS_PROPERTY_MANAGEMENT | Administration costs property management | Verwaltungskosten Hausverwaltung |
| | | | LV-173 | SECURITY_SERVICES_GUARDING | Security services guarding | Sicherheitsdienste Bewachung |
| | | | LV-174 | CHARGES_FOR_BUSINESS_IMPROVEMENT_DISTRICTS | Charges for business improvement districts | Abgaben für Business Improvement Districts |
| | | | LV-175 | CONTRIBUTIONS_FOR_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGNS_AND_INITIATIVE_OF_THE_LESSOR | Contributions for advertising campaings and initiative of the lessor | Beiträge für Werbekampagnen und Initiativen des Vermieters |
| | | | LV-176 | MAINTENANCE_COSTS | Maintenance costs | Instandhaltungskosten |
| | | | LV-177 | FACILITY_MANAGEMENT | Facility management | Gebäudemanagement |
| | | | LV-178 | TECHNICAL_SUPPORT | Technical support | Technische Unterstützung |
| | | | LV-179 | OTHER_ADDITIONAL_COSTS | Other additional costs | Sonstige Nebenkosten |
L-13 | eType_constructionphase | Construction Phase | Projektstatus | LV-180 | COMPLETED | Completed | Abgeschlossen |
| | | | LV-181 | IN_COMPLETION | In completion | In Fertigstellung |
| | | | LV-182 | PLANNED | Planned | Geplant |
| | | | LV-183 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
L-14 | eType_contractoption | Contract Option | Vertragsoptionen | LV-184 | PERMANENT | Permanent Contract | Unbefristeter Vertrag |
| | | | LV-185 | TEMPORARY | Temporary Contract | Befristeter Vertrag |
| | | | LV-186 | TEMPORARY_REAL_OPTION | Temporary Contract with a real option | Befristeter Vertrag mit echter Option |
| | | | LV-187 | TEMPORARY_FICTIOUS_OPTION | Temporary contract with a fictious option | Befristeter Vertrag mit unechter Option |
| | | | LV-188 | OTHER | Other type of contract | Sonstiger Vertragstyp |
L-15 | eType_country | Country | Land | LV-189 | AF | - | - |
| | | | LV-190 | AX | - | - |
| | | | LV-191 | AL | - | - |
| | | | LV-192 | DZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-193 | AS | - | - |
| | | | LV-194 | AD | - | - |
| | | | LV-195 | AO | - | - |
| | | | LV-196 | AI | - | - |
| | | | LV-197 | AQ | - | - |
| | | | LV-198 | AG | - | - |
| | | | LV-199 | AR | - | - |
| | | | LV-200 | AM | - | - |
| | | | LV-201 | AW | - | - |
| | | | LV-202 | AU | - | - |
| | | | LV-203 | AT | - | - |
| | | | LV-204 | AZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-205 | BS | - | - |
| | | | LV-206 | BH | - | - |
| | | | LV-207 | BD | - | - |
| | | | LV-208 | BB | - | - |
| | | | LV-209 | BY | - | - |
| | | | LV-210 | BE | - | - |
| | | | LV-211 | BZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-212 | BJ | - | - |
| | | | LV-213 | BM | - | - |
| | | | LV-214 | BT | - | - |
| | | | LV-215 | BO | - | - |
| | | | LV-216 | BA | - | - |
| | | | LV-217 | BW | - | - |
| | | | LV-218 | BV | - | - |
| | | | LV-219 | BR | - | - |
| | | | LV-220 | IO | - | - |
| | | | LV-221 | BN | - | - |
| | | | LV-222 | BG | - | - |
| | | | LV-223 | BF | - | - |
| | | | LV-224 | BI | - | - |
| | | | LV-225 | KH | - | - |
| | | | LV-226 | CM | - | - |
| | | | LV-227 | CA | - | - |
| | | | LV-228 | CV | - | - |
| | | | LV-229 | KY | - | - |
| | | | LV-230 | CF | - | - |
| | | | LV-231 | TD | - | - |
| | | | LV-232 | CL | - | - |
| | | | LV-233 | CN | - | - |
| | | | LV-234 | CX | - | - |
| | | | LV-235 | CC | - | - |
| | | | LV-236 | CO | - | - |
| | | | LV-237 | KM | - | - |
| | | | LV-238 | CG | - | - |
| | | | LV-239 | CD | - | - |
| | | | LV-240 | CK | - | - |
| | | | LV-241 | CR | - | - |
| | | | LV-242 | CI | - | - |
| | | | LV-243 | HR | - | - |
| | | | LV-244 | CU | - | - |
| | | | LV-245 | CY | - | - |
| | | | LV-246 | CZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-247 | DK | - | - |
| | | | LV-248 | DJ | - | - |
| | | | LV-249 | DM | - | - |
| | | | LV-250 | DO | - | - |
| | | | LV-251 | EC | - | - |
| | | | LV-252 | EG | - | - |
| | | | LV-253 | SV | - | - |
| | | | LV-254 | GQ | - | - |
| | | | LV-255 | ER | - | - |
| | | | LV-256 | EE | - | - |
| | | | LV-257 | ET | - | - |
| | | | LV-258 | FK | - | - |
| | | | LV-259 | FO | - | - |
| | | | LV-260 | FJ | - | - |
| | | | LV-261 | FI | - | - |
| | | | LV-262 | FR | - | - |
| | | | LV-263 | GF | - | - |
| | | | LV-264 | PF | - | - |
| | | | LV-265 | TF | - | - |
| | | | LV-266 | GA | - | - |
| | | | LV-267 | GM | - | - |
| | | | LV-268 | GE | - | - |
| | | | LV-269 | DE | - | - |
| | | | LV-270 | GH | - | - |
| | | | LV-271 | GI | - | - |
| | | | LV-272 | GR | - | - |
| | | | LV-273 | GL | - | - |
| | | | LV-274 | GD | - | - |
| | | | LV-275 | GP | - | - |
| | | | LV-276 | GU | - | - |
| | | | LV-277 | GT | - | - |
| | | | LV-278 | GG | - | - |
| | | | LV-279 | GN | - | - |
| | | | LV-280 | GW | - | - |
| | | | LV-281 | GY | - | - |
| | | | LV-282 | HT | - | - |
| | | | LV-283 | HM | - | - |
| | | | LV-284 | VA | - | - |
| | | | LV-285 | HN | - | - |
| | | | LV-286 | HK | - | - |
| | | | LV-287 | HU | - | - |
| | | | LV-288 | IS | - | - |
| | | | LV-289 | IN | - | - |
| | | | LV-290 | ID | - | - |
| | | | LV-291 | IR | - | - |
| | | | LV-292 | IQ | - | - |
| | | | LV-293 | IE | - | - |
| | | | LV-294 | IM | - | - |
| | | | LV-295 | IL | - | - |
| | | | LV-296 | IT | - | - |
| | | | LV-297 | JM | - | - |
| | | | LV-298 | JP | - | - |
| | | | LV-299 | JE | - | - |
| | | | LV-300 | JO | - | - |
| | | | LV-301 | KZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-302 | KE | - | - |
| | | | LV-303 | KI | - | - |
| | | | LV-304 | KP | - | - |
| | | | LV-305 | KR | - | - |
| | | | LV-306 | KW | - | - |
| | | | LV-307 | KG | - | - |
| | | | LV-308 | LA | - | - |
| | | | LV-309 | LV | - | - |
| | | | LV-310 | LB | - | - |
| | | | LV-311 | LS | - | - |
| | | | LV-312 | LR | - | - |
| | | | LV-313 | LY | - | - |
| | | | LV-314 | LI | - | - |
| | | | LV-315 | LT | - | - |
| | | | LV-316 | LU | - | - |
| | | | LV-317 | MO | - | - |
| | | | LV-318 | MK | - | - |
| | | | LV-319 | MG | - | - |
| | | | LV-320 | MW | - | - |
| | | | LV-321 | MY | - | - |
| | | | LV-322 | MV | - | - |
| | | | LV-323 | ML | - | - |
| | | | LV-324 | MT | - | - |
| | | | LV-325 | MH | - | - |
| | | | LV-326 | MQ | - | - |
| | | | LV-327 | MR | - | - |
| | | | LV-328 | MU | - | - |
| | | | LV-329 | YT | - | - |
| | | | LV-330 | MX | - | - |
| | | | LV-331 | FM | - | - |
| | | | LV-332 | MD | - | - |
| | | | LV-333 | MC | - | - |
| | | | LV-334 | MN | - | - |
| | | | LV-335 | MS | - | - |
| | | | LV-336 | MA | - | - |
| | | | LV-337 | MZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-338 | MM | - | - |
| | | | LV-339 | NA | - | - |
| | | | LV-340 | NR | - | - |
| | | | LV-341 | NP | - | - |
| | | | LV-342 | NL | - | - |
| | | | LV-343 | AN | - | - |
| | | | LV-344 | NC | - | - |
| | | | LV-345 | NZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-346 | NI | - | - |
| | | | LV-347 | NE | - | - |
| | | | LV-348 | NG | - | - |
| | | | LV-349 | NU | - | - |
| | | | LV-350 | NF | - | - |
| | | | LV-351 | MP | - | - |
| | | | LV-352 | NO | - | - |
| | | | LV-353 | OM | - | - |
| | | | LV-354 | PK | - | - |
| | | | LV-355 | PW | - | - |
| | | | LV-356 | PS | - | - |
| | | | LV-357 | PA | - | - |
| | | | LV-358 | PG | - | - |
| | | | LV-359 | PY | - | - |
| | | | LV-360 | PE | - | - |
| | | | LV-361 | PH | - | - |
| | | | LV-362 | PN | - | - |
| | | | LV-363 | PL | - | - |
| | | | LV-364 | PT | - | - |
| | | | LV-365 | PR | - | - |
| | | | LV-366 | QA | - | - |
| | | | LV-367 | RE | - | - |
| | | | LV-368 | RO | - | - |
| | | | LV-369 | RU | - | - |
| | | | LV-370 | RW | - | - |
| | | | LV-371 | SH | - | - |
| | | | LV-372 | KN | - | - |
| | | | LV-373 | LC | - | - |
| | | | LV-374 | PM | - | - |
| | | | LV-375 | VC | - | - |
| | | | LV-376 | WS | - | - |
| | | | LV-377 | SM | - | - |
| | | | LV-378 | ST | - | - |
| | | | LV-379 | SA | - | - |
| | | | LV-380 | SN | - | - |
| | | | LV-381 | CS | - | - |
| | | | LV-382 | SC | - | - |
| | | | LV-383 | SL | - | - |
| | | | LV-384 | SG | - | - |
| | | | LV-385 | SK | - | - |
| | | | LV-386 | SI | - | - |
| | | | LV-387 | SB | - | - |
| | | | LV-388 | SO | - | - |
| | | | LV-389 | ZA | - | - |
| | | | LV-390 | GS | - | - |
| | | | LV-391 | ES | - | - |
| | | | LV-392 | LK | - | - |
| | | | LV-393 | SD | - | - |
| | | | LV-394 | SR | - | - |
| | | | LV-395 | SJ | - | - |
| | | | LV-396 | SZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-397 | SE | - | - |
| | | | LV-398 | CH | - | - |
| | | | LV-399 | SY | - | - |
| | | | LV-400 | TW | - | - |
| | | | LV-401 | TJ | - | - |
| | | | LV-402 | TZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-403 | TH | - | - |
| | | | LV-404 | TL | - | - |
| | | | LV-405 | TG | - | - |
| | | | LV-406 | TK | - | - |
| | | | LV-407 | TO | - | - |
| | | | LV-408 | TT | - | - |
| | | | LV-409 | TN | - | - |
| | | | LV-410 | TR | - | - |
| | | | LV-411 | TM | - | - |
| | | | LV-412 | TC | - | - |
| | | | LV-413 | TV | - | - |
| | | | LV-414 | UG | - | - |
| | | | LV-415 | UA | - | - |
| | | | LV-416 | AE | - | - |
| | | | LV-417 | GB | - | - |
| | | | LV-418 | US | - | - |
| | | | LV-419 | UM | - | - |
| | | | LV-420 | UY | - | - |
| | | | LV-421 | UZ | - | - |
| | | | LV-422 | VU | - | - |
| | | | LV-423 | VE | - | - |
| | | | LV-424 | VN | - | - |
| | | | LV-425 | VG | - | - |
| | | | LV-426 | VI | - | - |
| | | | LV-427 | WF | - | - |
| | | | LV-428 | EH | - | - |
| | | | LV-429 | YE | - | - |
| | | | LV-430 | ZM | - | - |
| | | | LV-431 | ZW | - | - |
L-16 | eType_depositincreasetype | Deposit Increase Type | Kautionsanpassungsart | LV-432 | NONE | None | Keine |
| | | | LV-433 | INDEX | Index | Index |
| | | | LV-434 | SCALE | Scale | Staffel |
L-17 | eType_deposittype | Deposit Type | Kautionsart | LV-435 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not available | Nicht zugeordnet |
| | | | LV-436 | CASH_BOND | Cash Bond | Barkaution |
| | | | LV-437 | PLEDGE | Bonded savings account pass book | Verpfändung |
| | | | LV-438 | ASSIGNMENT_FOR_SECURITY | Assignment for security | Sicherungsabtretung |
| | | | LV-439 | GUARANTEE | Guarantee of payment of a loan | Bürgschaft |
| | | | LV-440 | GUARANTEE_PAYMENT_INSURANCE | Guarantee payment insurance | Mietkautionsversicherung |
| | | | LV-441 | BANK_GUARANTEE | Bank Guarentee | Bankbürgschaft |
| | | | LV-442 | SAVINGS_LEASER | Savings Leaser | Sparbuch Mieter |
| | | | LV-443 | SAVINGS_OWNER | Savings Owner | Sparbuch Eigentümer |
| | | | LV-444 | LOCAL_BANK | Local Bank | Hausbank |
| | | | LV-445 | CASH_BANK_GUARANTEE | Cash Bank Guarentee | Bar und Bankbürgschaft |
| | | | LV-446 | OTHER | Other mixed security | Andere Mischkaution |
L-18 | eType_developmentstate | Development State | Entwicklungsstand | LV-447 | DEVELOPMENT | - | - |
| | | | LV-448 | COMPLETED | - | - |
L-19 | eType_dunninglevel | Dunning Level | Mahnstufe | LV-449 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not Available | Nicht zugeordnet |
| | | | LV-450 | FIRST_REMINDER | First reminder | 1. Mahnung |
| | | | LV-451 | SECOND_REMINDER | Second reminder | 2. Mahnung |
| | | | LV-452 | TERMINATION | Termination without notice | Fristlose Kündigung |
L-20 | eType_encumbrancetype | Encumbrance Type | Grundpfandrechtliche Sicherung | LV-453 | MORTGAGE | Mortgage | Hypothek |
| | | | LV-454 | LAND_CHARGE | Land charge | Grundschuld |
| | | | LV-455 | ANNUITY_CHARGE | Annuity charge | Rentenschuld |
| | | | LV-456 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-457 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified (encumbrance type) | Keine Angaben (Grundpf. Sicherung) |
L-21 | eType_energyefficiencycategory | Energy Efficiency Category | Energie Effizienz Kategorie | LV-458 | A_1PLUS | A 1Plus | A 1Plus |
| | | | LV-459 | A | A | A |
| | | | LV-460 | B | B | B |
| | | | LV-461 | C | C | C |
| | | | LV-462 | D | D | D |
| | | | LV-463 | E | E | E |
| | | | LV-464 | F | F | F |
| | | | LV-465 | G | G | G |
| | | | LV-466 | H | H | H |
| | | | LV-467 | I | I | I |
| | | | LV-468 | J | J | J |
L-22 | eType_energyratingcategory | Energy Rating Category | Energie Rating Kategorie | LV-469 | RESIDENTIAL | For residential building | Für Wohngebäude |
| | | | LV-470 | NON_RESIDENTIAL | For non-residential building | Für Nichtwohngebäude |
L-23 | eType_energyratingtype | Energy Rating Type | Art des Energie Ratings | LV-471 | USAGE_DEPENDING | EPC - depending on usage | EPC - Verbrauchsabhängig |
| | | | LV-472 | REQUIREMENTS_DEPENDING | EPC - depending on the requirements | EPC - Bedarfsabhängig |
| | | | LV-791 | EU_EPC | EU EPC | EU EPC |
| | | | LV-792 | NABERS_ENERGY | NABERS Energy | NABERS Energy |
| | | | LV-793 | ENERGY_STAR_CERTIFIED | Energy Star Certified | Energy Star Certified |
| | | | LV-794 | ARC_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_CERTIFICATE | Arc Energy Performance Certificate | Arc Energy Performance Certificate |
| | | | LV-795 | ARC_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_SCORE | Arc Energy Performance Score | Arc Energy Performance Score |
| | | | LV-796 | BBC_EFFINERGIE | BBC Effinergie | BBC Effinergie |
| | | | LV-797 | BBC_EFFINERGIE_RENOVATION | BBC Effinergie Rénovation | BBC Effinergie Rénovation |
| | | | LV-798 | BCA_BESS_BUILDING_ENERGY_SUBMISSION_SYSTEM_BENCHMARKING | BCA BESS (Building Energy Submission System) Benchmarking | BCA BESS (Building Energy Submission System) Benchmarking |
| | | | LV-799 | BELS | BELS | BELS |
| | | | LV-800 | BEPOS_EFFINERGIE | BEPOS Effinergie | BEPOS Effinergie |
| | | | LV-801 | BEPOS PLUS_EFFINERGIE | BEPOS+ Effinergie | BEPOS+ Effinergie |
| | | | LV-802 | BUILDING_ENERGY_RATING_BER_CERTIFICATE | Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate | Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate |
| | | | LV-803 | DPE_DIAGNOSTIC_DE_PERFORMANCE_ENERGETIQUE | DPE (Diagnostic de performance énergétique) | DPE (Diagnostic de performance énergétique) |
| | | | LV-804 | ENERGIATTEST_NORWAY | Energiattest - Norway | Energiattest - Norway |
| | | | LV-805 | ENERGIDEKLARATION_SWEDEN | Energideklaration - Sweden | Energideklaration - Sweden |
| | | | LV-806 | ENERGY_INDEX_NL | Energy Index - NL | Energy Index - NL |
| | | | LV-807 | ENERGY_STAR_PORTFOLIO_MANAGER | Energy Star Portfolio Manager | Energy Star Portfolio Manager |
| | | | LV-808 | ENEV_ENERGIEAUSWEISE | EnEV Energieausweise | EnEV Energieausweise |
| | | | LV-809 | FANNIE_MAE_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_METRIC | Fannie Mae Energy Performance Metric | Fannie Mae Energy Performance Metric |
| | | | LV-810 | GEAK | GEAK | GEAK |
| | | | LV-811 | GREEN_STAR_PERFORMANCE_ENERGY_CERTIFICATE | Green Star Performance Energy Certificate | Green Star Performance Energy Certificate |
| | | | LV-812 | HKGOC_ENERGYWISE_CERTIFICATE | HKGOC - Energywise Certificate | HKGOC - Energywise Certificate |
| | | | LV-813 | HONG_KONG_EMSD_ENERGY_BENCHMARKING | Hong Kong EMSD Energy Benchmarking | Hong Kong EMSD Energy Benchmarking |
| | | | LV-814 | HONG_KONG_GBC_BEST_TOOL | Hong Kong GBC BEST Tool | Hong Kong GBC BEST Tool |
| | | | LV-815 | HPE_HAUTE_PERFORMANCE_ENERGETIQUE | HPE (Haute Performance Energétique) | HPE (Haute Performance Energétique) |
| | | | LV-816 | JAPAN_E_MARK | Japan e-mark | Japan e-mark |
| | | | LV-817 | KEA_KOREA_BUILDING_ENERGY_EFFICIENCY_CERTIFICATION | KEA Korea Building Energy Efficiency Certification | KEA Korea Building Energy Efficiency Certification |
| | | | LV-818 | NABERS_CO_ASSESS | NABERS Co-Assess | NABERS Co-Assess |
| | | | LV-819 | NATHERS | NATHERS | NATHERS |
| | | | LV-820 | OID_TALOEN_BENCHMARKING | OID Taloen Benchmarking | OID Taloen Benchmarking |
| | | | LV-821 | ONTARIO_EWRB | Ontario EWRB | Ontario EWRB |
| | | | LV-822 | SIA_2031_ENERGY_CERTIFICATE | SIA 2031 Energy Certificate | SIA 2031 Energy Certificate |
| | | | LV-823 | SUPERIOR_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_50001 | Superior Energy Performance 50001 | Superior Energy Performance 50001 |
| | | | LV-824 | THPE_TRES_HAUTE_PERFORMANCE_ENERGETIQUE | THPE (Très Haute Performance Energétique) | THPE (Très Haute Performance Energétique) |
| | | | LV-825 | TMG_TOKYO_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_CERTIFICATE | TMG Tokyo Energy Performance Certificate | TMG Tokyo Energy Performance Certificate |
| | | | LV-826 | TMG_TOKYO_GREEN_LABELLING_FOR_CONDOMINIUMS | TMG Tokyo Green Labelling for Condominiums | TMG Tokyo Green Labelling for Condominiums |
| | | | LV-827 | TMG_TOKYO_SMALL_AND_MEDIUM_SCALE_FACILITIES | TMG Tokyo Small and Medium Scale Facilities | TMG Tokyo Small and Medium Scale Facilities |
| | | | LV-828 | TMG_TOKYO_TOP-LEVEL_FACILITY | TMG Tokyo Top-level Facility | TMG Tokyo Top-level Facility |
L-24 | eType_energysource | Energy Source | Energieträger | LV-473 | OIL | Oil | Öl |
| | | | LV-474 | LOCAL_DISTRICT_HEATING | Local District Heating | Lokale Fernwärme |
| | | | LV-475 | GAS | Gas | Gas |
| | | | LV-476 | OTHER | Others | Sonstige |
L-25 | eType_heatingtype | Heating Type | Heizungsart | LV-477 | CENTRAL_HEATING | Central Heating | Zentralheizung |
| | | | LV-478 | SINGLE_STORY_GAS_HEATING | Single-story gas heating | Gasetagenheizung |
| | | | LV-479 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
L-26 | eType_indexadjustmentdirection | Index Adjustment Direction | Indexanpassungsrichtung | LV-480 | BOTH_DIRECTION | Adjustment in both directions | Anpassung in beide Richtungen |
| | | | LV-481 | POSITIVE_ONLY | Positive adjustment only | Nur positive Anpassung |
| | | | LV-482 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified (index adjustment direction) | Keine Angaben (Indexanpassungsrichtung) |
L-27 | eType_indexationmethod | Indexation Method | Indexierungsmethode | LV-483 | BY_RHYTHM | Adjustment according to a fixed pattern | Anpassung nach festem Rhythmus |
| | | | LV-484 | BY_MINIMUM_CHANGE | Adjustment according to minimum change | Anpassung nach Mindeständerung |
| | | | LV-485 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified (indexation method) | Keine Angaben (Indexmethode) |
L-28 | eType_indexrow | Index Row | Indexreihe | LV-486 | CPI | Consumer price index (CPI) | VPI |
| | | | LV-487 | BPI | Building price index (BPI) | BPI |
| | | | LV-488 | CPI_BW | CPI of "Baden-Württemberg" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Baden-Württemberg" |
| | | | LV-489 | CPI_BY | CPI of "Bayern" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Bayern" |
| | | | LV-490 | CPI_BE | CPI of "Berlin" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Berlin" |
| | | | LV-491 | CPI_BB | CPI of "Brandenburg" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Brandenburg" |
| | | | LV-492 | CPI_HB | CPI of "Bremen" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Bremen" |
| | | | LV-493 | CPI_HH | CPI of "Hamburg" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Hamburg" |
| | | | LV-494 | CPI_HE | CPI of "Hessen" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Hessen" |
| | | | LV-495 | CPI_MV | CPI of "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" |
| | | | LV-496 | CPI_NI | CPI of "Niedersachsen" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Niedersachsen" |
| | | | LV-497 | CPI_NW | CPI of "Nordrhein-Westfalen" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Nordrhein-Westfalen" |
| | | | LV-498 | CPI_RP | CPI of "Rheinland-Pfalz" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Rheinland-Pfalz" |
| | | | LV-499 | CPI_SL | CPI of "Saarland" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Saarland" |
| | | | LV-500 | CPI_SN | CPI of "Sachsen" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Sachsen" |
| | | | LV-501 | CPI_ST | CPI of "Sachsen-Anhalt" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Sachsen-Anhalt" |
| | | | LV-502 | CPI_SH | CPI of "Schleswig-Holstein" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Schleswig-Holstein" |
| | | | LV-503 | CPI_TH | CPI of "Thüringen" | VPI des Bundeslandes "Thüringen" |
| | | | LV-504 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-505 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified (index series) | Keine Angaben (Indexreihe) |
L-29 | eType_interesttype | Interest Type | Art des Zinses | LV-506 | FIXED | Fixed | Fix |
| | | | LV-507 | VARIABLE | Variable | Variabel |
L-30 | eType_interiorquality | Interior Quality | Ausstattungsqualität | LV-508 | LUXURY | Luxury | Luxuriös |
| | | | LV-509 | SOPHISTICATED | Sophisticated | Elegant |
| | | | LV-510 | NORMAL | Normal | Normal |
| | | | LV-511 | SIMPLE | Simple | Einfach |
L-31 | eType_issuancereason | Reason for Issuance | Grund der Ausstellung | LV-512 | NEW_CONSTRUCTION | New Construction | Neubau |
| | | | LV-513 | MODERNISATION | Modernization | Modernisierung |
| | | | LV-514 | RENT_SALE | Rent/Sale | Vermietung/Verkauf |
| | | | LV-515 | NOTICE_PUBLIC_BUILDING | Notice public building | Aushang öffentl. Gebäude |
| | | | LV-516 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
L-32 | eType_leasecontracttype | Lease Contract Type | Mietvertragsart | LV-517 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified | Nicht Definiert |
| | | | LV-518 | SINGLE_NET | Single-Net | Single-Net |
| | | | LV-519 | DOUBLE_NET | Double-Net | Double-Net |
| | | | LV-520 | TRIPLE_NET | Triple_NET | Triple_NET |
L-33 | eType_leaseendtype | Lease End Type | Vertragsende | LV-521 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified | Nicht definiert |
| | | | LV-522 | FIXED_DURATION | Fixed Duration | Festlaufzeit |
| | | | LV-523 | CALCULATED_DURATION | Calculation Duration | Kalkulationslaufzeit |
| | | | LV-524 | TERMINATION | Termination without notice | Kündigung |
L-34 | eType_legalform | Legal Form | Rechtsform | LV-525 | HOLDCO | Holdco | Kapitalgesellschaft |
| | | | LV-526 | PROPCO | Propco | Personengesellschaft |
| | | | LV-527 | COUNTRY_COM | Country Com | Holding/AG/Ländermandant |
| | | | LV-528 | FUND | Fund | Fonds/Konsolidierung |
L-35 | eType_legitterminationdeadline | Legit Termination Deadline | Kündigungstermin | LV-529 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified | Nicht definiert |
| | | | LV-530 | EVERYDAY | Everyday | Jederzeit möglich |
| | | | LV-531 | END_OF_MONTH | End of Month | zum Monatsende |
| | | | LV-532 | END_OF_QUARTER | End of Quarter | zum Quartalsende |
| | | | LV-533 | END_OF_HALFYEAR | End of Halfyear | zur Jahreshälfte |
| | | | LV-534 | END_OF_YEAR | End of Year | zum Jahresende |
L-36 | eType_liquiditytype | Liquidity Type | Liquiditätsposition | LV-535 | BANK_BALANCE_TERM_DEPOSIT | Bank Balance Term Deposit | Bankguthaben (Termingeld) |
| | | | LV-536 | BANK_BALANCE_DAILY_ALLOWANCE_OTHER | Bank Balance Daily Allowance Other | Bankguthaben (Tagesgeld/sonstige Bankguthaben) |
| | | | LV-537 | MONEY_MARKET_INSTRUMENT | Money Market Instrument | Geldmarktinstrumente |
| | | | LV-538 | INVESTMENT_CERTIFICATE | Investment Certificate | Investmentanteile |
| | | | LV-539 | SECURITY | Security | Wertpapiere |
L-37 | eType_locationtype | Location Type | Lageart Bauliche Nutzung | LV-540 | NOT_SPECIFIED | No location classified | Keine Lageart zugewiesen |
| | | | LV-541 | WS | Small Residential Estate Area | Kleinsiedlungsgebiet (WS) |
| | | | LV-542 | WR | Residential-only Area | Reines Wohngebiet (WR) |
| | | | LV-543 | WA | General Residential Area | Allgemeines Wohngebiet (WA) |
| | | | LV-544 | WB | Special Residential Area | Besonderes Wohngebiete (WB) |
| | | | LV-545 | MD | Village Area | Dorfgebiet (MD) |
| | | | LV-546 | MI | Mixed Use Area | Mischgebiet (MI) |
| | | | LV-547 | MK | Core Area | Kerngebiet (MK) |
| | | | LV-548 | GE | Area zoned for economic Activities | Gewerbegebiet (GE) |
| | | | LV-549 | GI | Industrial Area | Industriegebiet (GI) |
| | | | LV-550 | SO | Special Area | Sondergebiete (SO) |
L-38 | eType_loantype | Loan Type | Art des Darlehens | LV-551 | DEBT | Debt Capital | Fremdkapital |
| | | | LV-552 | SHAREHOLDER_LOAN | Shareholder Loan | Gesellschafterdarlehen |
L-39 | eType_locationquality | Location Quality | Lagequalität | LV-553 | 1A | 1) Metropolitan areas; a) Best location | 1) Metropolen; a) Beste Lage |
| | | | LV-554 | 1B | 1) Metropolitan areas; b) Peripheral location (with good accessibility) | 1) Metropolen; b) Randlage (mit guter Erreichbarkeit) |
| | | | LV-555 | 1C | 1) Metropolitan areas; c) Peripheral location (with limited accessibility) | 1) Metropolen; c) Randlage (mit eingeschränkter Erreichbarkeit) |
| | | | LV-556 | 2A | 2) Big city; a) Best location | 2) Großstadt; a) Beste Lage |
| | | | LV-557 | 2B | 2) Big city; b) Peripheral location (with good accessibility) | 2) Großstadt; b) Randlage (mit guter Erreichbarkeit) |
| | | | LV-558 | 2C | 2) Big city; c) Peripheral location (with limited accessibility) | 2) Großstadt; c) Randlage (mit eingeschränkter Erreichbarkeit) |
| | | | LV-559 | 3A | 3) Remaining locations; a) Best location | 3) Reststandorte; a) Beste Lage |
| | | | LV-560 | 3B | 3) Remaining sites; b) Peripheral location (with good accessibility) | 3) Reststandorte; b) Randlage (mit guter Erreichbarkeit) |
| | | | LV-561 | 3C | 3) Remaining sites; c) Peripheral location (with limited accessibility) | 3) Reststandorte; c) Randlage (mit eingeschränkter Erreichbarkeit) |
L-40 | eType_massunit | Mass Unit | Masseinheit | LV-562 | TONNE | Tonne | Tonne |
| | | | LV-563 | KILOGRAM | Kilogram | Kilogramm |
| | | | LV-564 | GRAM | Gram | Gramm |
| | | | LV-565 | MILLIGRAM | Milligram | Milligramm |
| | | | LV-566 | STONE | Stone | Stein |
| | | | LV-567 | POUND | Pound | Pfund |
| | | | LV-568 | OUNCE | Ounce | Unze |
L-41 | eType_month | Month | Monat | LV-569 | JANUARY | January | Januar |
| | | | LV-570 | FEBRUARY | February | Februar |
| | | | LV-571 | MARCH | March | März |
| | | | LV-572 | APRIL | April | April |
| | | | LV-573 | MAI | Mai | Mai |
| | | | LV-574 | JUNE | June | Juni |
| | | | LV-575 | JULI | Juli | Juli |
| | | | LV-576 | AUGUST | August | August |
| | | | LV-577 | SEPTEMBER | September | September |
| | | | LV-578 | OCTOBER | October | Oktober |
| | | | LV-579 | NOVEMBER | November | November |
| | | | LV-580 | DECEMBER | December | Dezember |
L-42 | eType_monumentstype | Class Listed Monument | Denkmalschutz | LV-581 | NO | No | Keine |
| | | | LV-582 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not available | Nicht verfügbar |
| | | | LV-583 | SINGLE | Single | Einzelne |
| | | | LV-584 | ENSEMBLE | Ensemble | Ensemble |
| | | | LV-585 | OTHERS | Others | Andere |
L-43 | eType_numbertype | Value type | Werttyp (absolut/Prozent) | LV-586 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified (Value Type) | keine Angaben |
| | | | LV-587 | PERCENT | Percent | Prozent |
| | | | LV-588 | ABSOLUTE | Absolute value | Absolut |
L-44 | eType_objectcondition | Object Condition | Objektzustand | LV-589 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not available | Nicht verfügbar |
| | | | LV-590 | NEW | New | Neu |
| | | | LV-591 | AGE_APPROPRIATE | Age appropriate | Altersgerecht |
| | | | LV-592 | IN_NEED_OF_REPAIR | In need of repair | Reparaturbedürftig |
L-45 | eType_occupancystate | Occupancy till the end of the year (current occupancy) | Belegung zum Jahresende (gegenwärtiger Vermietungsstand) | LV-593 | RENTED_AND_OCCUPIED_LEASER | Rented and occupied by tenant | Vermietung und Belegung durch Mieter |
| | | | LV-594 | RENTED_AND_OCCUPIED_OWNER | Rented and occupied for own usage | Vermietet und belegt für Eigennutzung |
| | | | LV-595 | RENTED_NOT_OCCUPIED | Rented but not occupied | Vermietet aber nicht belegt |
| | | | LV-596 | OUTSTANDING_RENT_WRITTEN_OFF | Outstanding rent written off | Abgeschriebene Mietforderungen |
| | | | LV-597 | PREARRANGED | Prearranged lease agreement | Vorvermietung - noch nicht belegt, keine fälligen Mieten |
| | | | LV-598 | VACANCY | Vacancy | Leerstand |
L-46 | eType_optrate | Option Rate | Vorsteuersatz | LV-599 | NOT_DEFINED | Not defined | Nicht definiert |
| | | | LV-600 | FULL_TAX | Full tax | Volle Steuer |
| | | | LV-601 | REDUCED_TAX | Reduced tax | Ermäßigte Steuer |
| | | | LV-602 | NO_TAX | Keine Steuer | Keine Steuer |
L-47 | eType_ownershiptype | Ownership Type | Art des Eigentums | LV-603 | DIRECT_PROPERTY | Direct property | Freies Grundeigentum |
| | | | LV-604 | LEASEHOLD | Leasehold | Baurechtnehmer |
| | | | LV-605 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-606 | FREEHOLDER | Freeholder | Grundeigentümer |
L-48 | eType_parkingspacetype | Parking Space Type | Parkplatztyp | LV-607 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not available | Nicht zugeordnet |
| | | | LV-608 | OUTDOOR | Parking space on the ground | Stellplatz (außen) |
| | | | LV-609 | UNDERGROUND | Parking space in parking garage | Tiefgaragenstellplatz |
| | | | LV-610 | CARPORT | Carport | Carport |
| | | | LV-611 | GARAGE | Garage | Garage |
| | | | LV-612 | CAR_PARK | Car Park | Parkhaus |
L-49 | eType_partnerrole | Partner Role | Rolle des Partners | LV-613 | TENANT | Tenant | Mieter |
| | | | LV-614 | PROPERTY_MANAGER | Property manager | Hausverwaltung |
| | | | LV-615 | CONTACT | Contact | Kontakt |
| | | | LV-616 | ASSET_MANAGER | Asset manager | Vermögensverwalter |
| | | | LV-617 | CREDITOR | Creditor | Gläubiger |
| | | | LV-618 | EXPERT | Expert | Sachverständiger |
| | | | LV-619 | FACILITY_MANAGER | Facility manager | Gebäudeverwalter |
L-50 | eType_periodvaluetype | Period Value Type | Typ der Daten | LV-620 | ACTUAL | Actual | Aktuell |
| | | | LV-621 | PLAN | Plan | Plan |
| | | | LV-622 | FORECAST | Forecast | Vorhersage |
| | | | LV-623 | BUDGET | Budget | Haushalt |
| | | | LV-624 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
L-51 | eType_portfoliotype | Portfolio Type | Portfoliogattung | LV-625 | INSURANCE | Insurance | Versicherungen |
| | | | LV-626 | OPEN_PROPERTY_FUND | Open property fund | Offener Immobilienfonds |
| | | | LV-627 | PENSIONS_FUND | Pensions fund | Pensionsfonds |
| | | | LV-628 | REAL_ESTATE_COMPANIES | Real estate companies | Immobiliengesellschaften |
| | | | LV-629 | UNLISTED_REAL_ESTATE_COMPANIES | Unlisted real estate company | Nicht börsennotiertes Immobilienunternehmen |
| | | | LV-630 | OTHER | Other | Andere |
L-53 | eType_projecttype | Project Type | Projekttyp | LV-631 | NONE | None | Kein |
| | | | LV-632 | MAINTENANCE | Maintenance | Wartung |
| | | | LV-633 | INSPECTION | Inspection | Inspektion |
| | | | LV-634 | REPAIR | Repair | Instandsetzung |
| | | | LV-635 | OPTIMIZATION | Optimization/ Investment | Verbesserung/ Investition |
| | | | LV-636 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
L-54 | eType_propertystatus | Property Status | Status | LV-637 | HELD_PROPERTY | Held Property | Bestandsobjekt |
| | | | LV-638 | DEVELOPMENT | Project development | Projektentwicklung |
| | | | LV-639 | SALE | Sale | Verkauf |
| | | | LV-640 | LAND | Land charge | Unbebautes Grundstück |
L-55 | eType_propertytransactiontype | Property Transaction Type | Art der Transaktion | LV-641 | ASSET_DEAL | Asset Deal | Vermögensdeal |
| | | | LV-642 | SHARE_DEAL | Share Deal | Aktienshandel |
L-56 | eType_recordcategory | Document Category | Belegtyp | LV-643 | INVOICE | Invoice | Rechnung |
| | | | LV-644 | CREDIT | Credit | Gutschrift |
| | | | LV-645 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not specified (document category) | Keine Angaben zu Belegtyp |
L-57 | eType_rentincreasetype | Rent Increase Type | Anpassungsart Miete | LV-646 | NOT_SPECIFIED | No specification (adjustment type) | Keine Angabe (Anpassungsart) |
| | | | LV-647 | INDEX | Index adjustment | Indexanpassung |
| | | | LV-648 | INDEX_SCALE | Index/Scale | Index/Staffel |
| | | | LV-649 | INDEX_TURNOVER | Index rent + turnover rent | Index- + Umsatzmiete |
| | | | LV-650 | SCALE | Scale adjustment | Staffelanpassung |
| | | | LV-651 | FREE | Free Adaption | Freie Anpassung |
| | | | LV-652 | GERMAN_CIVIL_CODE | BGB Rent Increase | BGB Mieterhöhung |
| | | | LV-653 | TURNOVER | Turnover rent | Umsatzmiete |
| | | | LV-654 | SCALE_TURNOVER | Staggered + sales-based rent | Staffel- + Umsatzmiete |
| | | | LV-655 | INDEX_SCALE_TURNOVER | Staggered + sales + index-linked rent | Staffel- + Umsatz- + Indexmiete |
| | | | LV-656 | RENT_REVIEW | Rentreview | Mietgutachten |
L-58 | eType_restorationstatus | Restoration Status | Sanierungsstand | LV-657 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not Available | Nicht zugeordnet |
| | | | LV-658 | FULLY_REFURBISHED | Fully Refurbished | Saniert |
| | | | LV-659 | PARTLY_REFURBISHED | Partly Refurbished | Teilsaniert |
| | | | LV-660 | NOT_REFURBISHED | Not Refurbished | Unsaniert |
| | | | LV-661 | OTHER | Other Condition | Anderer Zustand |
L-59 | eType_retaillocationtype | Retail Location Type | Einzelhandelslage | LV-662 | HIGH_STREET | High street | Hauptstraße |
| | | | LV-663 | HIGH_STREET_BORDER_AREA | High street border area | Hauptstraße Randzone |
| | | | LV-664 | CITY_CENTRE_OTHER | City centre other | Stadtzentrum sonstige |
| | | | LV-665 | SUBURBAN_CENTRE | Suburban centre | Suburbanes Zentrum |
| | | | LV-666 | MAJOR_ROUTE | Major route | Hauptverkehrsachse |
| | | | LV-667 | SUBURBAN_OTHER | Suburban other | Suburban sonstige |
| | | | LV-668 | NON_URBAN | Non-urban | Nicht-Städtisch |
| | | | LV-669 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-670 | UNKNOWN | Unknown | Unbekannt |
L-60 | eType_risksegment | Risk Segment | Risikosegment | LV-671 | NOT_DEFINED | Not defined | Nicht definiert |
| | | | LV-672 | CORE | Core | Core |
| | | | LV-673 | CORE_PLUS | Core+ | Core+ |
| | | | LV-674 | VALUE_ADDED | Value Added | Wertschöpfung |
| | | | LV-675 | OPPORTUNISTIC | Opportunistic | Opportunistisch |
L-61 | eType_sector | Industrial Sector | Industrieller Sektor | LV-676 | NOT_AVAILABLE | Not available | Nicht verfügbar |
| | | | LV-677 | AUTOMOTIVE | Automotive | Automobil |
| | | | LV-678 | CARRIYING | Carriying Business | Tragendes Geschäft |
| | | | LV-679 | FINANCIAL | Banks/Financial Services | Banken/Finanzdienstleistungen |
| | | | LV-680 | PHARMACEUTICAL | Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Industry | Chemie/Pharmazeutische Industrie |
| | | | LV-681 | BUILDING | Building Companies | Bauunternehmen |
| | | | LV-682 | CONSUMER_GOODS | Consumer Goods Industry | Konsumgüterindustrie |
| | | | LV-683 | RETAIL | Retail | Einzelhandel |
| | | | LV-684 | GASTRONOMY | Hotels/Gastronomy | Hotels/Gastronomie |
| | | | LV-685 | INSURANCE | Insurance Companies | Versicherungsgesellschaften |
| | | | LV-686 | ENGINEERING_RESOURCES | Mechanical Engineering/Extractive Industries | Maschinenbau/Extraktive Industrien |
| | | | LV-687 | TECHNOLOGY | Technology/Software Producer | Technologie-/Software-Hersteller |
| | | | LV-688 | UTILITIES | Utilities/Telecommunication Companies | Versorgungsunternehmen/Telekommunikationsunternehmen |
| | | | LV-689 | CONSULTING | Consulting/Legal Advice/Tax Advice | Beratung/Rechtsberatung/Steuerberatung |
| | | | LV-690 | AUTHORITIES | Authorities/Associations/Educational Institution | Behörden/Vereinigungen/Bildungseinrichtungen |
| | | | LV-691 | MEDIA | Media/Entertainment | Medien/Unterhaltung |
| | | | LV-692 | MEDICAL | Physicians/Medical care | Ärzte/Medizinische Versorgung |
| | | | LV-693 | OTHERS | Others | Andere |
L-62 | eType_securitytype | SecurityType | Anlagetyp Wertpapiere | LV-694 | BOND | Bond | Anleihe |
| | | | LV-695 | SHARE | Share | Aktie |
| | | | LV-696 | PARTICIPATING_CERTIFICATE | Participating Certificate | Genussschein |
| | | | LV-697 | PFANDBRIEF | Covered bond | Pfandbrief |
| | | | LV-698 | FIXED_INTEREST_SECURITIES | Fixed Interest Securities | Rentenpapier |
| | | | LV-699 | FUND | Fund | Fonds |
L-63 | eType_servicetype | Service Type | Leistungsbereich | LV-700 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified | Nicht definiert |
| | | | LV-701 | LIFT_MAINTENACE | Lift Maintance | Aufzugswartung |
| | | | LV-702 | GUARDING | Guarding | Bewachung |
| | | | LV-703 | GARDENING | Gardening | Grünpflege |
| | | | LV-704 | WINTER_SERVICE | Winter Service | Winterdienst |
L-64 | eType_siteconstrucibletype | Site Construcible Type | Standortkonstruktionstyp | LV-705 | CONSTRUCTIONPLAN | Constructionplan | Bauplan |
| | | | LV-706 | NEIGHBOURCONSTRUCTION | Neighbourconstruction | Nachbarschaftsbau |
| | | | LV-707 | EXTERNALAREA | Externalarea | Außenbereich |
L-65 | eType_transactiontype | Transaction Type | Transaktionstyp | LV-708 | RECEIPT | Receipt | Beleg |
| | | | LV-709 | BALANCE | Balance | Saldo |
| | | | LV-710 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified (transaction type) | Keine Angaben (Transaktionstyp) |
L-66 | eType_usetype | Usetype Contract | Nutzungsart Vertrag | LV-711 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified | Nicht spezifiziert |
| | | | LV-712 | RETAIL | Retail | Einzelhandel |
| | | | LV-713 | GASTRONOMY | Gastronomy | Gaststättengewerbe |
| | | | LV-714 | OFFICE | Office | Büro |
| | | | LV-715 | INDUSTRY | Industry | Industrie |
| | | | LV-716 | PRODUCTION | Production | Produktion |
| | | | LV-717 | RESIDENTIAL | Residential | Wohnen |
| | | | LV-718 | WAREHOUSES_HALLS_LOGISTICS | Warehouse halls logistics | Lagerhallen Logistik |
| | | | LV-719 | HOTEL | Hotel | Hotel |
| | | | LV-720 | LEISURE | Leisure | Freizeit |
| | | | LV-721 | PARKING_INSIDE | Parking Inside | Garage / Tiefgarage |
| | | | LV-722 | BUSINESS_GENERAL | Business general | Business allgemein |
| | | | LV-723 | SOCIAL_USE_PIECES | Social use pieces | Sozialer Nutzen Stücke |
| | | | LV-724 | SOCIAL_USE | Social use | Gesellschaftliche Nutzung |
| | | | LV-725 | CELLAR_ARCHIV | Cellar archiv | Archiv im Keller |
| | | | LV-726 | OTHER_PIECES | Other pieces | Andere Stücke |
| | | | LV-727 | OTHER | Other | Sonstiges |
| | | | LV-750 | PARKING_OUTSIDE | Parking area | Parkplatz |
| | | | LV-912 | NON_GLA | General areas | Allgemeinflächen |
L-67 | eType_vacancyreason | Vacancy Reason | Leerstandsgrund | LV-728 | MARKET_RELATED | Market Related | Marktbedingt |
| | | | LV-729 | FUTURE_CONTRACT | Future Contract | Zukünftiger Vertrag |
| | | | LV-730 | UNECONOMIC | Uneconomic | unwirtschaftlich |
| | | | LV-731 | DEMOLITION | Demolition | Abriss |
| | | | LV-732 | SALES_RELATED | Sales Related | vertriebsbedingt |
| | | | LV-733 | TECHNICAL_REASONS | Technical Reasons | technische Gründe |
| | | | LV-734 | NOT_SPECIFIED | Not Specified | Keine Angabe |
| | | | LV-911 | NON_GLA | General areas | Allgemeinflächen |
L-68 | eType_valuationmethod | Valuation Method | Bewertungsmethode | LV-735 | DISCOUNTED_CASH_FLOW | Discounted cash flow | Abgezinster Cashflow |
| | | | LV-736 | CAPITALIZATION_OF_INCOME | Capitalization of income | Kapitalisierung der Erträge |
| | | | LV-737 | REFERENCE_VALUE_METHOD | Reference value method | Vergleichswertverfahren |
| | | | LV-738 | ASSET_VALUE_METHOD | Asset value method | Sachwertverfahren |
| | | | LV-739 | INCOME_METHOD | Income Method | Ertragswertverfahren |
| | | | LV-740 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-749 | LANDVALUE | landvalue | Bodenwertvermittlung |
L-69 | eType_valuationtype1 | Valuation Type1 | Bewertungsart1 | LV-741 | FUND | Fund | Fonds |
| | | | LV-742 | PRIVATE | Private | Privat |
| | | | LV-743 | COURT | Court | Gericht |
| | | | LV-744 | THIRD_PERSON | Third person | Dritte Person |
L-70 | eType_valuationtype2 | Valuation Type2 | Bewertungsart2 | LV-745 | UNKNOWN | Unknown | Unbekannt |
| | | | LV-746 | FIRST_VALUATION | First valuation | Erste Bewertung |
| | | | LV-747 | REVALUATION | Revaluation | Neubewertung |
| | | | LV-748 | MARKET_VALUATION_REPORT | Market valuation report | Bericht zur Marktbewertung |
| | | | LV-751 | AQUISITION_VALUATION | Aquisition Valuation | Ankaufsbewertung |
L-71 | eType_verbrauchsart | Consumptiontype | Verbrauchsart | LV-749 | DISTRICT_COOLING | District Cooling | Fernkälte |
| | | | LV-750 | DISTRICT_HEATING | District Heating | Fernwärme |
| | | | LV-751 | CO2 | CO2 | CO2 |
| | | | LV-752 | ELECTRICITY | Electricity | Strom |
| | | | LV-753 | GAS | Gas | Gas |
| | | | LV-754 | HEAT_METER | Heat Meter | Wärmezähler |
| | | | LV-755 | OTHER | Other | Sonstige |
| | | | LV-756 | WASTE_NONHAZARD | Waste nonhazard | Ungefährlicher Abfall |
| | | | LV-757 | WASTE_HAZARDOUS | Waste Hazardous | Gefährlicher Abfall |
| | | | LV-758 | WATER | Water | Wasser |
L-72 | eType_verwendungszweck | Purpose | Verwendungszweck | LV-913 | COOLING | Cooling | Kühlung |
| | | | LV-914 | ILLUMINATION | Illumination | Beleuchtung |
| | | | LV-915 | ELECTRIC_OPERATION | Electric Operation | Elektrischer Betrieb |
| | | | LV-916 | HEATING | Heating | Heizung |
| | | | LV-917 | OTHER | Other | Andere |
L-73 | eType_position-des-verbrauches | Consumption position | Position des Verbrauches | LV-759 | COMPANY | Company | Firma |
| | | | LV-760 | PROPERTY | Property | Wirtschaftseinheit |
| | | | LV-761 | BUILDING | Building | Gebäude |
| | | | LV-762 | UNIT | Unit | Einheit |
| | | | LV-763 | LEASE | Lease | Mieteinheit |
L-74 | eType_verbrauchsinitiator | ConsumptionInitiator | VerbrauchsInitiator | LV-764 | LANDLORD_CONTROLLED | Landlord Controlled | Vermietergesteuert |
| | | | LV-765 | TENANT_CONTROLLED | Tenant Controlled | Mietergesteuert |
L-75 | eType_erfassungsmethode | Capturemethod | Erfassungsmethode | LV-766 | AI | Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) |
| | | | LV-767 | CALCULATE | Calculate | Errechnet |
| | | | LV-768 | AUTOMATIC | Automatic | Automatisch |
| | | | LV-769 | ESTIMATE | Estimation | Schätzung |
| | | | LV-770 | MANUAL | Manual | Manuell |
L-76 | eType_anteilsart | Proportiontype | Anteilsart | LV-776 | INCINERATION | Incineration | Müllverbrennung |
| | | | LV-777 | LANDFILL | Landfill | Mülldeponie |
| | | | LV-780 | RECYCLING | Recycling | Recycling |
| | | | LV-781 | RENEWABLE | Renewable | Erneuerbar |
| | | | LV-782 | REUSE | Reuse | Wiederverwendung |
| | | | LV-783 | WASTE_TO_ENERGY | Waste to energy | Abfallverwertung |
L-77 | eType_fund_type | Type of Fund | Fondstyp | LV-752 | RETAIL | Retail | Publikumsfonds |
| | | | LV-753 | INSTITUTIONAL | Institutional | Spezialfonds |
| | | | LV-754 | FUND_OF_FUNDS | Fund of Funds | Dachfonds |
L-78 | eType_esg_strategy_fund | Sustainability strategy | Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie | LV-755 | ART-6 | ART-6 | Nicht-ESG-Produkt (gemäß Artikel 6 der Offenlegungs-VO) |
| | | | LV-756 | ART-6-B | ART-6-B | Basic-Produkt (gemäß Artikel 6 der Offenlegungs-VO) |
| | | | LV-757 | ART-8 | ART-8 | ESG-Strategie-Produkt (gemäß Artikel 8 der Offenlegungs-VO) |
| | | | LV-758 | ART-9 | ART-9 | ESG-Impact-Produkt (gemäß Artikel 9 der Offenlegungs-VO) |
L-79 | eType_green-building-zertifikat | Green Building Certificate | Green Building Zertifikat | LV-759 | ABINC_CERTIFICATION_FOR_URBAN_DEVELOPMENT_AND_SHOPPING_CENTRE | ABINC Certification for Urban Development and Shopping Centre | ABINC Certification for Urban Development and Shopping Centre |
| | | | LV-760 | ARC_PERFORMANCE_CERTIFICATES_3 | Arc Performance Certificates - 3 | Arc Performance Certificates - 3 |
| | | | LV-761 | AUSTIN_ENERGY_GREEN_BUILDING | Austin Energy Green Building | Austin Energy Green Building |
| | | | LV-762 | BCA_GREEN_MARK_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | BCA Green Mark Existing Buildings | BCA Green Mark Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-763 | BCA_GREEN_MARK_NEW_BUILDINGS | BCA Green Mark New Buildings | BCA Green Mark New Buildings |
| | | | LV-764 | BEAM_PLUS_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-765 | BEAM_PLUS_EXISTING_BUILDINGS_SELECTIVE_SCHEME | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings - Selective Scheme | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings - Selective Scheme |
| | | | LV-766 | BEAM_PLUS_INTERIOR | BEAM Plus Interior | BEAM Plus Interior |
| | | | LV-767 | BEAM_PLUS_NEW_BUILDINGS | BEAM Plus New Buildings | BEAM Plus New Buildings |
| | | | LV-768 | BERDE_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | BERDE New Construction | BERDE New Construction |
| | | | LV-769 | BERDE_OPERATIONS | BERDE Operations | BERDE Operations |
| | | | LV-770 | BERDE_RETROFITS_AND_RENOVATIONS | BERDE Retrofits and Renovations | BERDE Retrofits and Renovations |
| | | | LV-771 | BOMA_360 | BOMA 360 | BOMA 360 |
| | | | LV-772 | BOMA_BEST | BOMA BEST | BOMA BEST |
| | | | LV-773 | BOMA_CHINA_CERTIFICATE_OF_EXCELLENCE | BOMA China - Certificate of Excellence | BOMA China - Certificate of Excellence |
| | | | LV-774 | BRAVE_BUILDING_RATING_VALUE | Brave Building Rating Value | Brave Building Rating Value |
| | | | LV-775 | BREEAM_CODE_FOR_SUSTAINABLE_HOMES | BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes | BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes |
| | | | LV-776 | BREEAM_DOMESTIC_REFURBISHMENT | BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment | BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment |
| | | | LV-777 | BREEAM_IN_USE | BREEAM In Use | BREEAM In Use |
| | | | LV-778 | BREEAM_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | BREEAM New construction | BREEAM New construction |
| | | | LV-779 | BREEAM_REFURBISHMENT_AND_FITOUT | BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out | BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out |
| | | | LV-780 | BUILD_IT_GREEN_GREENPOINT_RATED_EXISTING_HOME | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, Existing Home | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, Existing Home |
| | | | LV-781 | BUILD_IT_GREEN_GREENPOINT_RATED_NEW_HOME | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, New Home | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, New Home |
| | | | LV-782 | BUILT_GREEN | Built Green | Built Green |
| | | | LV-783 | CALGREEN | CALGreen | CALGreen |
| | | | LV-784 | CASBEE_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | CASBEE Existing Buildings | CASBEE Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-785 | CASBEE_FOR_MARKET_PROMOTION | CASBEE for Market Promotion | CASBEE for Market Promotion |
| | | | LV-786 | CASBEE_FOR_REAL_ESTATE | CASBEE for Real Estate | CASBEE for Real Estate |
| | | | LV-787 | CASBEE_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | CASBEE New Construction | CASBEE New Construction |
| | | | LV-788 | CASBEE_RENOVATION | CASBEE Renovation | CASBEE Renovation |
| | | | LV-789 | CASBEE_WELLNESS_OFFICE | CASBEE Wellness Office | CASBEE Wellness Office |
| | | | LV-790 | CEEDA_DESIGNOPERATE | CEEDA Design-Operate | CEEDA Design-Operate |
| | | | LV-829 | CERTIFIED_RENTAL_BUILDING_PROGRAM | Certified Rental Building Program | Certified Rental Building Program |
| | | | LV-830 | CHINA_GREEN_BUILDING_LABEL_GB_T_503782014 | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 |
| | | | LV-831 | CHINA_GREEN_BUILDING_LABEL_GB_T_503782014_OPERATIONAL | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 - Operational | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 - Operational |
| | | | LV-832 | DBJ_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION | DBJ Green Building Certification | DBJ Green Building Certification |
| | | | LV-833 | DBJ_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION_PLAN_CERTIFICATION | DBJ Green Building Certification - Plan Certification | DBJ Green Building Certification - Plan Certification |
| | | | LV-834 | DGBC_WOONMERK_WOON_KWALITEIT_RICHTLIJN | DGBC Woonmerk Woon Kwaliteit Richtlijn | DGBC Woonmerk Woon Kwaliteit Richtlijn |
| | | | LV-835 | DGNB_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | DGNB Existing Buildings | DGNB Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-836 | DGNB_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | DGNB New Construction | DGNB New Construction |
| | | | LV-837 | EARTHCHECK_SUSTAINABLE_DESIGN | EarthCheck Sustainable Design | EarthCheck Sustainable Design |
| | | | LV-838 | EARTHCRAFT | EarthCraft | EarthCraft |
| | | | LV-839 | EDGE_EXCELLENCE_IN_DESIGN_FOR_GREATER_EFFICIENCIES | EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies | EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies |
| | | | LV-840 | ENTERPRISE_GREEN_COMMUNITIES | Enterprise Green Communities | Enterprise Green Communities |
| | | | LV-841 | FITWEL_BUILT | Fitwel - Built | Fitwel - Built |
| | | | LV-842 | FITWEL_DESIGN | Fitwel Design | Fitwel Design |
| | | | LV-843 | FLORIDA_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION | Florida Green Building Certification | Florida Green Building Certification |
| | | | LV-844 | GPR_GEBOUW | GPR Gebouw | GPR Gebouw |
| | | | LV-845 | GREEN_BUILDING_INDEX_GBI | Green Building Index (GBI) | Green Building Index (GBI) |
| | | | LV-846 | GREEN_BUILDING_INDEX_GBI_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | Green Building Index (GBI) New Construction | Green Building Index (GBI) New Construction |
| | | | LV-847 | GREEN_GLOBES_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | Green Globes Existing Buildings | Green Globes Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-848 | GREEN_GLOBES_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | Green Globes New Construction | Green Globes New Construction |
| | | | LV-849 | GREEN_GLOBES_SUSTAINABLE_INTERIORS | Green Globes Sustainable Interiors | Green Globes Sustainable Interiors |
| | | | LV-850 | GREEN_KEY_ECORATING_PROGRAM | Green Key Eco-Rating Program | Green Key Eco-Rating Program |
| | | | LV-851 | GREEN_RATING_GREEN_RATING_REMOTE_ASSESSMENT | Green Rating Green Rating Remote Assessment | Green Rating Green Rating Remote Assessment |
| | | | LV-852 | GREEN_SEAL_HOTELS_AND_LODGING | Green Seal Hotels and Lodging | Green Seal Hotels and Lodging |
| | | | LV-853 | GREEN_STAR_NZ_INTERIORS | Green Star NZ - Interiors | Green Star NZ - Interiors |
| | | | LV-854 | GREEN_STAR_NZ_DESIGN_AND_AS_BUILT | Green Star NZ Design & As Built | Green Star NZ Design & As Built |
| | | | LV-855 | GREEN_STAR_NZ_PERFORMANCE | Green Star NZ Performance | Green Star NZ Performance |
| | | | LV-856 | GREEN_STAR_PERFORMANCE | Green Star Performance | Green Star Performance |
| | | | LV-857 | GREEN_STAR_SA_DESIGN_AND_AS_BUILT | Green Star SA Design & As Built | Green Star SA Design & As Built |
| | | | LV-858 | GREEN_STAR_SA_PERFORMANCE | Green Star SA Performance | Green Star SA Performance |
| | | | LV-859 | GREENSHIP_EXISTING_BUILDING | GreenShip Existing Building | GreenShip Existing Building |
| | | | LV-860 | GREENSHIP_NEW_BUILDING | GreenShip New Building | GreenShip New Building |
| | | | LV-861 | GREENSTAR_COMMUNITIES | GreenStar Communities | GreenStar Communities |
| | | | LV-862 | GREENSTAR_DESIGN_AND_AS_BUILT | GreenStar Design & As Built | GreenStar Design & As Built |
| | | | LV-863 | GREENSTAR_INTERIORS | GreenStar Interiors | GreenStar Interiors |
| | | | LV-864 | GRIHA_GREEN_RATING_FOR_INTEGRATED_HABITAT_ASSESSMENT | GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment | GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment |
| | | | LV-865 | G_SEED | G-SEED | G-SEED |
| | | | LV-866 | HOME_QUALITY_MARK_HQM | Home Quality Mark (HQM) | Home Quality Mark (HQM) |
| | | | LV-867 | HOUSING_PERFORMANCE_INDICATION_SYSTEM_HOUSING_PERFORMANCE_EVALUATION | Housing Performance Indication System - Housing Performance Evaluation | Housing Performance Indication System - Housing Performance Evaluation |
| | | | LV-868 | IGBC_GREEN_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | IGBC Green Existing Buildings | IGBC Green Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-869 | IGBC_GREEN_HOMES | IGBC Green Homes | IGBC Green Homes |
| | | | LV-870 | IGBC_GREEN_NEW_BUILDING | IGBC Green New Building | IGBC Green New Building |
| | | | LV-871 | IGBC_GREEN_SEZS | IGBC Green SEZs | IGBC Green SEZs |
| | | | LV-872 | INTERNATIONAL_LIVING_FUTURE_INSTITUTE_CORE_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION | International Living Future Institute Core Green Building Certification | International Living Future Institute Core Green Building Certification |
| | | | LV-873 | INTERNATIONAL_LIVING_FUTURE_INSTITUTE_LIVING_BUILDING_CHALLENGE | International Living Future Institute Living Building Challenge | International Living Future Institute Living Building Challenge |
| | | | LV-874 | IREM_CERTIFIED_SUSTAINABLE_PROPERTY | IREM Certified Sustainable Property | IREM Certified Sustainable Property |
| | | | LV-875 | LEED_BUILDING_DESIGN_AND_CONSTRUCTION_BD_AND_C | LEED Building Design and Construction (BD + C) | LEED Building Design and Construction (BD + C) |
| | | | LV-876 | LEED_BUILDING_OPERATIONS_AND_MAINTENANCE_O_AND_M | LEED Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M) | LEED Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M) |
| | | | LV-877 | LEED_FOR_HOMES | LEED for Homes | LEED for Homes |
| | | | LV-878 | LEED_INTERIOR_DESIGN_AND_CONSTRUCTION_ID_AND_C | LEED Interior Design and Construction (ID +C) | LEED Interior Design and Construction (ID +C) |
| | | | LV-879 | LEED_NEIGHBORHOOD_DEVELOPMENT_ND | LEED Neighborhood Development (ND) | LEED Neighborhood Development (ND) |
| | | | LV-880 | LOTUS_BUILDINGS_IN_OPERATION | LOTUS Buildings in Operation | LOTUS Buildings in Operation |
| | | | LV-881 | LOTUS_INTERIORS | LOTUS Interiors | LOTUS Interiors |
| | | | LV-882 | LOTUS_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | LOTUS New Construction | LOTUS New Construction |
| | | | LV-883 | MILJOBYGGNAD_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | Miljöbyggnad Existing Buildings | Miljöbyggnad Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-884 | MILJOBYGGNAD_NEW_BUILDINGS | Miljöbyggnad New Buildings | Miljöbyggnad New Buildings |
| | | | LV-887 | NABERS_MULTIRATING | NABERS Multi-Rating | NABERS Multi-Rating |
| | | | LV-888 | NF_HQE_BATIMENTS_TERTIAIRES_NEUF_OU_RENOVATION | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires - Neuf ou Rénovation | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires - Neuf ou Rénovation |
| | | | LV-889 | NF_HQE_BATIMENTS_TERTIAIRES_EN_EXPLOITATION | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires en Exploitation | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires en Exploitation |
| | | | LV-890 | NGBS_NATIONAL_GREEN_BUILDING_STANDARD | NGBS National Green Building Standard | NGBS National Green Building Standard |
| | | | LV-891 | NGBS_NATIONAL_GREEN_BUILDING_STANDARD_OPERATIONAL | NGBS National Green Building Standard - Operational | NGBS National Green Building Standard - Operational |
| | | | LV-892 | PARKSMART | P arksmart | P arksmart |
| | | | LV-893 | PASSIEFWONING | Passiefwoning | Passiefwoning |
| | | | LV-894 | RESET_AIR_COMMERCIAL_INTERIORS | RESET Air Commercial Interiors | RESET Air Commercial Interiors |
| | | | LV-895 | RESET_AIR_CORE_AND_SHELL | RESET Air/Core & Shell | RESET Air/Core & Shell |
| | | | LV-896 | SGBC_GREEN_BUILDING_EU | SGBC Green Building EU | SGBC Green Building EU |
| | | | LV-897 | SGBC_GREEN_BUILDING_EU_OPERATIONAL | SGBC Green Building EU Operational | SGBC Green Building EU Operational |
| | | | LV-898 | SGBC_GREEN_BUILDING_GREEN_BUILDING_ENERGY_EFFICIENCY_IN_AN_EASY_WAY | SGBC Green Building/Green Building (Energy efficiency in an easy way) | SGBC Green Building/Green Building (Energy efficiency in an easy way) |
| | | | LV-899 | SGBC_MILJOBYGGNAD_NEW_BUILDINGS | SGBC Miljöbyggnad - New Buildings | SGBC Miljöbyggnad - New Buildings |
| | | | LV-900 | SKA_RATING | SKA Rating | SKA Rating |
| | | | LV-901 | SMBC_SUSTAINABLE_BUILDING_ASSESSMENT_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment Existing Buildings | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment Existing Buildings |
| | | | LV-902 | SMBC_SUSTAINABLE_BUILDING_ASSESSMENT_NEW_BUILDINGS | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment New Buildings | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment New Buildings |
| | | | LV-903 | STANDARD_NACHHALTIGES_BAUEN_SCHWEIZ_SNBS | Standard Nachhaltiges Bauen Schweiz (SNBS) | Standard Nachhaltiges Bauen Schweiz (SNBS) |
| | | | LV-904 | SVANEN_MILJOEMAERKTA | Svanen Miljömärkta | Svanen Miljömärkta |
| | | | LV-905 | TORONTO_GREEN_STANDARD_TIER_2 | Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 | Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 |
| | | | LV-906 | TREES | TREES | TREES |
| | | | LV-907 | TREES_EXISTING_BUILDING | TREES Existing Building | TREES Existing Building |
| | | | LV-908 | TRIPADVISOR_GREENLEADERS | TripAdvisor GreenLeaders | TripAdvisor GreenLeaders |
| | | | LV-909 | TRUE_TOTAL_RESOURCE_USE_AND_EFFICIENCY_ZERO_WASTE_CERTIFICATION | TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Zero Waste Certification | TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Zero Waste Certification |
| | | | LV-910 | WELL_BUILDING_STANDARD | WELL Building Standard | WELL Building Standard |
L-80 | eType_tilgungsart | Amortisation Method | Tilgungsart | LV-918 | BULLET | Bullet | Endfällig |
| | | | LV-919 | ANNUITY | Annuity | Annuitätisch |
| | | | LV-920 | LINEAR | Linear | Linear |
L-81 | eType_interest_calculation_method | Interest Calculation Method | Zinsberechnungsmethode | LV-921 | ACT_360 | act/360 | act/360 |
| | | | LV-922 | ACT_365 | act/365 | act/365 |
| | | | LV-923 | ACT_ACT | act/act | act/act |
| | | | LV-924 | 360_360 | 360/360 | 360/360 |
| | | | LV-925 | 365_365 | 365/365 | 365/365 |
| | | | LV-926 | 30/360 | 30/360 | 30/360 |
| | | | LV-927 | 30E_360 | 30E/360 | 30E/360 |